The Mindful Peanut

Holistic Health Coaching Online

Holistic Health Coaching – What is it?

A health coach is your personal health cheerleader, guide and partner. I work with my clients to first understand the root cause of dis-ease in the body. From here we explore the barriers and unhealthy patterns that may be exacerbating this issue and how to build a new foundation of thought to alleviate these patterns. Step by step together we build toward the life you imagine. We will do this through exploring such measures as diet, exercise, meditation, yoga and mindfulness. When embarking on a journey into holistic health coaching online, you get the added benefit of having all your appointments from anywhere in the world. Implement sustainable choices that improve your mental and physical health.

Holistic Health & Nutrition Coach Sara Bennett

Invest in yourself.

“A health coach helps you create goals by looking at what stage of change you’re in and what action you’re ready to take. It’s about self-discovery. A health coach just leads you in putting the pieces together for yourself. You figure out how to make the changes that work for your life.”

I help a wide variety of client ailments. Typically, some common topics include:

I’ve been there.

I have been a cancer survivor since my mid-30s. That full journey brought me the lowest lows and highest highs of my entire life. Prior to my diagnosis I was completely burnt out, trying to push through so many physical and mental ailments at my job and pretending like everything was “ok”.
It most certainly wasn’t “ok”. And I had to learn the hard way that the way I was living in total disregard for signals from my body. Eventually the body says enough.
On my road to recovery, I immediately was hit with another setback of being diagnosed with Endometriosis. The chronic pain and cyclical rollercoaster I was on led to very high amounts of anxiety, low mood and a substantial impact on my relationships and ability to function. I had been very accustomed to therapeutic diets. I have been gluten-free, vegetarian or vegan and low-FODMAP for most of my adult life. A large shift happened when I learned to balance the how to eat as much as the what. And treating my body with the kindness, giving it support when it needs it and pushing it on days I feel ready. Learn more about me.
From my experiences I promised myself I’d dedicate energy toward helping others get the most out of their life as possible. Because life and time are a precious commodity. Let’s not spend it feeling rubbish.

Ready to get started?

If you’re ready to take control of your mental & physical health through a steady commitment to yourself – the first step is to schedule a free consultation! In this half hour introduction we’ll get to know each other and your goals. I’ll answer any questions. If you choose to continue forward in our partnership ongoing coaching sessions are booked and invoiced at a straightforward $40/session. Package discounts available, just ask!

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